A word for the one who feels all alone and abandoned.

Don’t let the pain drown you!

There are people who hide a world of conversation and life inside them but others don’t know how to discover them. Most people don’t know how important communication is. I’ve always been one to express my mind instead of keeping to myself. I always thrive in places where this is reciprocated. Can you relate? Are you feeling lonely inside? This is a word of encouragement for those that feel alone because of the black void Satan created in your most significant relationships. Don’t lose hope!

I’ve noticed that in life, you can be surrounded by many people but they might not even know you. To truly experience relationship with the people that are important to you, say wife or husband, we need to invest of our time, our attention, and our presence. I mean truly being present. The tragic thing is, we live in a time and an age when people no longer give importance to the person around them but to everyone else in the virtual sphere. Satan uses our phones, the media, and every possible distraction in order to alienate us from what we should be in close connection with. There is no greater disappointment than feeling abandoned though you are not physically alone.

I’m speaking to those people who are hurt by the coldness around them, by the sea of quietness when there should be life and meaningful conversation. Don’t let the pain you feel drown you! Satan’s plan is to suffocate you in your abandonment. He wants to isolate you and literally kill you. I’m speaking to you, the person breaking inside…God sees you. You’re not alone! He knows how your heart breaks again and again through the day because Satan alienated maybe your child, your friend, or your spouse from you. God hears when you scream inside and I want you to truly believe that! He truly is acquainted with all your ways (Psalm 139:3). He knows the very thing that hurts you.

You are significant. Don’t stop praying and crying out to God for the restoration of what the enemy stole from you! You are heard and your life matters! Choose to pray even though it hurts and watch how God works on your behalf!

”And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭28:20b ESV‬‬

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Anonymous says:

    Definitely needed this Word. Thank You for Sharing this. As a person who suffers medically from depression, it’s not an easy thing to deal with or live with. Many believe that it’s all in the mind and that anyone and everyone can snap out of depression. Unfortunately it’s not that simple. Those like me who suffer through this, don’t enjoy having it and wish we could just snap out of it, but it’s way beyond a snap of a finger or a wish it all away.
    But there is Hope, and that Hope is Jesus Christ. He knows are pains, sorrows, and heartbreak. He knows when life becomes too much for us and in that moment, His perfect time, steps in and says, “Come All Who are weary, and I will give you rest.”
    Although I still suffer through the depression (probably will forever), I have stopped taking my medication and learned to lean on God, seek His Face and surrender all to Him.

    There is Hope and there is a Way.

    God Bless

    1. Thanks for sharing that, friend! I want to share with you a resource that I believe you will find helpful. It’s helped me & I want to spread the word about it.

  2. Den Rhodes says:

    so true – blessed

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